Adjustment of pictures.

Please note that we will only accept to receive protrait (Passeport size)pictures.
It is important that the pictures have a sufficient resolution to be used in the printing process of a new book. At the same time we are faced with some restrictions when it comes to the transmission over the Internet. The limitation does not allow a picture to be larger than 800 kB, and the sum of all pictures must not be bigger that 1600 kB. Therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the pictures.
Printers recommend a resolution of minimum 300 dpi (dots per inch). The pictures to be printed will have a width of approx. 27 millimetres. (approx. 1 inch) Then the picture must be 400 pixels wide.
For those of you that are not familiar with this, the example below sets out the procedure on how to do it in Paintbruch, which is a program that follows Windows. (You may have other programs that can do the same thing.): Now the picture will have a size lower than 100 kB and still have the necessary resolution.